Government College of Nursing,

Rajindra Hospital, Patiala

Date : 19-Apr-2024 Time : 04:14 PM

Basic First aid/ road and fire safety training

A Basic First aid/ road and fire safety training was conducted on 15th and 16th April 2024 at Govt College of Nursing Patiala under the supervision of Dr Balwinder Kaur,Principal GCON,Patiala to train B.Sc. Nursing 1st Sem students. On the first day of training Mr. R.K.Verma, chief trainer from first aid, Health and safety awareness mission taught the students about basic first aid during emergency situations like cardiac arrest, choking, drowning, fractures and due to smoke. He also provided information about helpline numbers for use in emergency. ASI Mr. RAM SHARAN taught about road safety and cyber crime. On 2nd dayMr.Arvinder Singh, Sub Fire officer explained about fire safety. He taught about types of fires and their respective management. He Al demonstrated regarding use of various cylinders. All students took keen interest in learning during these 2 days.Faculty members Mrs Manpriya Kaur Associate Professor,Mrs Inderpal Kaur,lecturer and Navjot Kiran attended the session and expressed gratitude to the team.

Government College of Nursing,

Rajindra Hospital, Patiala
